The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

11th September 2022

Are you feeling the need to sort out, clear and declutter asks Adeola Sheehy in her weekly lunar forecast. It's time to prep for the autumn days ahead.

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

11th September 2022

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

11th September 2022

The moon will still be hanging heavy in the sky as we begin this week but now that she has passed her peak the energies of autumn are doubled as the moon matches the earth cycle and you can expect to be swept into the mood of preparation and clearing.

The challenges of the hot dry summer months have brought the autumnal colours closer sooner than normal and you can utilise those visuals to remind you to let go the last lingering moments of summer and begin the processes of drawing yourself and your family inward. It is time for that precious inhale after a time of outward busyness and celebration. It is a time to place your needs back in the centre.


  • What does autumn mean to you?
  • Does the change in the weather feel like relief or a sad ending?
  • Noticing how you respond to the external changes can tell you a lot about how you might experience your own cyclical autumn phase.
  • Are you ready for an inhale and a drawing inward or does that feel uncomfortable?

Get more inspiration:

Join us next Sunday evening for the following week’s forecast.

You can find Adeola on Instagram @ adeola_moonsong and read more of her work at
