Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

16th May 2013

You know that feeling when you get a really good hug? It’s a moment of connection between two people; a pause in the rush of life to really savour one another. How wonderful to share that connection with anyone and everyone! Join in this Random Huggers Day on 18th May and spread the love!

Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

16th May 2013

Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

16th May 2013

Random Huggers Day aims to spread the love, warmth and wonderful energy that is in a great hug, around the world. There is no charity or corporation involved. This is about one human being giving another human being a gift, for nothing!

Founder, Mayella Reynolds, says; ‘The idea for Random Huggers Day originated when I was listening to LBC Radio one morning, 28th November 2003, when a comment that Nick Ferrari made caught my attention. He said “It seems you can find random terrorists on the streets – why don’t we find random huggers?” What a brilliant idea! It really tickled me to think of a group of people offering hugs in the streets of London. We can all do with a hug! So I contacted a few friends and we got together to create Random Huggers Day. It was really that simple.’

This year’s Random Huggers Day takes place on 18th May and on the website you can find details of events happening in the UK, or you can set up your own. One hugger had this to say about her experience: ‘The highlight of the day was an elderly gentleman who cried when I hugged him because he hadn’t been hugged in years and said I had made his day, so I hugged him again!’

These are Mayella’s top tips for the Random Hugging Procedure, check out the website for advice on how to set up your own event:


• Make sure you’re wearing your Random Huggers t-shirt and you have paired up.
• Smile! Make eye contact with a possible HUG target (a huggee!).
• Ask them: “Did you know it’s Random Huggers day today? and what we do on Random Huggers day is give away free hugs! would you like a free hug?”
• If they say yes, step forward and give them a hug.
• The hug lasts as long as the Huggee wants.
• When you have finished, give them a sticker and ask them to spread the hugs.
• If someone makes an unwanted gesture be firm and send them on their way. Don’t get into a drama about it, let it go and move on, there are plenty of other people in the world that want a hug.
• Enjoy your day of hugs.
• And don’t forget to Celebrate!
• When you’re done we would love some feedback on what happened. Stories, quotes, responses from the public, how many people you hugged (count the stickers you gave away) the media coverage you got and if you are keen to do the same again next year. (taken from
