Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

16th October 2013

There’s no doubt that after a cold shower you feel pretty zingy and alive. But I’ll admit there are occasions when I grumble and grouse about taking my daily cold shower; if we don’t get the range going I don’t have a choice. A yoga teacher who stayed at our house recently took a shower after a dip in the sea, and invited me to look at things differently. She told me that a daily cold shower is up there as one of the best things you can do for your health. A bit of research later, and a lot of things I had learnt before or knew instinctively came up. Hence a total change of perspective on the cold shower thing and a far more pleasurable experience!

Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

16th October 2013

Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

16th October 2013

Cold water therapy has been around a long time. Naturopaths often recommend starting by gradually moving from a hot shower to a cold one – keeping it as cold as you can bear for 5 minutes – and then alternating, ending with a cold shower. But if you can only do a cold shower, like me, then that’s great too! Alternatively, you could opt for a dip in a body of water such as a river, lake or the sea, if you are lucky enough to live near to one. Here are the top ten reasons to start the day with cold water therapy:

1. It boosts immunity
In the 1920s, hydrotherapy – the use of cold water – was all the rage. Introduced by a Czechoslovakian doctor, Vincenz Priessnitz, it was used as a kind of medical cure-all. With the advent of big drugs companies, these kind of do-it-yourself health practices fell out of favour, but plenty of current studies have shown that people who regularly use cold water therapy have better immunity. This is because cold water boosts the lymphatic system which carries toxins out of the body and is responsible for our white blood cells – the ones that fight disease. Unlike our blood, our lymph doesn’t have an internal pump and relies on movement to work effectively, which is why when we live sedentary lifestyles we are more prone to illness and infection. Cold water therapy contracts the muscles which in turn improves the flow of lymph. In places such as Siberia, where children are doused with cold water as a health measure, those that partake have been shown to have far lower incidences of ill health.

2. It improves circulation
A cold shower increases the circulation of blood flow through the body and most blood is pumped to the essential organs. This has huge benefits for the cardiovascular system and could help with blood pressure, varicose veins and hardening of the arteries. It also has a knock on effect on the body’s ability to cope with temperature changes, so if you are someone who is affected by cold hands and feet, try a cold shower.

3. It’s a natural anti-depressant
A lot of research has been done in this area, most notably at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine where a study was undertaken on whether a lifestyle that lacks certain physiological stressors that primates would have endured over billions of years of evolution – such as a cold swim – could be a contributing factor in depression. The study argued that a lack of “thermal exercise” may cause inadequate functioning of the brain. A cold shower sends an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain, which could result in an anti-depressive effect. Anyone who has experienced the rush after a cold dip would agree: better than numbing with drugs!

4. It strengthens you mentally and physically
It takes a certain amount of courage to leap into that cold water, whether it’s for a swim or a shower. We have to gear ourselves up mentally. Apparently, subjecting our body to small stressors in a controlled way, e.g. taking a cold shower, builds up our ability to cope with bigger stressors. So our bodies are better able to cope with being pushed a little bit further, and we build up the mental strength to deal with things as they arise.

5. It has an anti-ageing effect on the skin
French women have long sworn by splashing the décolletage and neck with icy water every day to improve skin tone and prevent wrinkles. As cold water has a pore-tightening effect, it leaves both the hair and face looking taut and fresh. Most women will have been told at some point that a cold rinse after a hot shower prevents frizzy hair – the drying effect of hot water can be seen in both our hair and skin, whereas a cold blast refreshes and rejuvenates.

6. It helps with breathing
You know that huge gasp of air you pull in when the cold water first hits you?! When you think about it, you can feel the air reach every part of your lungs. Studies have shown that this in turn can contribute to improved athletic performance as breathing is deeper and thus more oxygen is reaching the body.

7. It reduces inflammation
Athletes have long used the power of cold water to reduce inflammation. In fact, I sued to know a marathon runner who would dunk herself in a water butt of iced water after a run, and claimed she never suffered from aches and pains as a result. Other people have used cold water effectively as a treatment for arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

8. It expands your aura
The yoga teacher I mentioned above said that a dip in the ocean or a cold shower literally expanded a person’s aura. She said that the increase could be seen, and had lasting effects. This is backed up by the experience of people throughout history: the Native Americans used a dip in an icy stream as part of their sweat lodge ritual and Japanese samurai warriors started their day with icy water, in a ritual known as Misogi, which they believed cleansed the spirit ready for a fresh start.

9. It gives you a burst of energy
A cold shower is far better than a coffee at beating that afternoon slump. The increase of blood flow to the organs means a brain functioning optimally, and whereas coffee can leave you with a feeling of muddiness shortly after, a cold shower leaves you alert and full of life.

10. It’s said to increase fat loss
Cold water therapy aficionados claim that regular cold showers help with weight loss. This could be because cold water increases metabolic function, thus burning more fat. Whether it works or not, it certainly leaves the body looking more toned because of the skin-tautening effect.
