By Love Organics

04th April 2017

Want to give your skin a boost from within? Try these ten top tips

By Love Organics

04th April 2017

By Love Organics

04th April 2017

Getting your skin summer ready may have crossed your mind by now. The skin is the largest organ of the body and is on show, so it deserves our attention! We all want to look our best and our skin health can make all the difference, but using the correct products is only half of the job done. You may still experience skin issues, if your diet is not supportive of your skin health.

Here are my top 10 tips, so you can bare all with confidence your skin is glowing like you want it to. So let’s get your diet on point and start now!:

1. Omega 3 fatty acids are a must if you want to feed any skin type from inside out and add vitality. Known as the skin-strengthening fatty acid, find this in sardines, chia seeds, flaxseed and walnuts.

2. For aging skin or those of you proactive in limiting the dreaded lines & wrinkles, opt for a diet rich in Vitamin-C. This vitamin especially is collagen boosting and encourages extra production of cell renewal for a more youthful look. Main foods to include are bell peppers, strawberries, citrus fruits, kale and broccoli.

3. Every skin needs a regular detox. Our pores combat and fight many toxins in our daily life, so give it a helping hand by committing to foods high in Vitamin E & A, which are known for their anti-oxidant properties. Think dark leafy greens, Brussels Sprouts, Strawberries, citrus fruits.

4. Protein and carbohydrates are needed for daily energy, muscle strength and support. Please try to eat sweet potatoes, whole grains, beans & lentils. These are the healthiest form or carbs and will not inflame the body, like processed, refined carbs.

5. Avoid sugar where possible, especially those of you that are prone to acne. A diet rich in fruit, vegetables and Omega 3 fatty acids will reduce your chances of a break out. Even if you are using the correct products for acne-prone skin, if you’re diet is full of processed foods, you will not combat the issue.

6. Eat green salads and/or vegetables, especially avocado, which have healthy fats very beneficial to any skin diet.

7. Vegetables in general provide indisputable aid to a healthy skin diet. For example, tomatoes are known for their protection and helping to reduce sun damage.

8. Hydration is the key to a healthy body, but your skin will show signs of distress, in a duller tone or condition, should it be constantly dehydrated. Drinking 2 litres of water a day will ensure your skin gets enough water to detoxify and rehydrate.

9. Don’t forget your herbs and spices, which are also highly important, forms of an anti-oxidant skincare diet. Turmeric is the most effective!

10. There are skin supplements that can be taken if it’s difficult to give your skin what it needs regularly from diet. Opt for pure organic and natural supplements to ensure you are not digesting any unwanted toxins.

If you need any further advice on your skin products and health, please contact me at [email protected]
