The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

14th September 2018

We speak to passionate babywearers about how carrying has changed their lives

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

14th September 2018

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

14th September 2018

Creating Instant Calm

Carly Birchall has two children aged five and three. She set up Sling Swing when she discovered that dancing with her baby was the sure fire way to settle and soothe him.

‘So many times when he was teething I’d find myself stripping off and wrapping him against me - instant calm. I had already set up a music class locally and the idea of Sling Swing literally came about during one night of sling cuddles and rocking to music to calm him. I did my research, teamed up with an expert post and prenatal trainer friend of mine to look at routines, effects on the post-natal body, movements, booked up to do my babywearing consultancy course, got my insurance started and went for it! I advertised amongst friends and on our local babywearing group and it was a hit!

It can get busy but I’m quite good at time management and ensuring family time comes as a priority, I certainly see my children much more than I did when I was teaching in schools and work can be fit around them. My husband has been known to tell me off for spending too much time on my lap top some evenings though.

The hardest things are never being ‘finished’, getting used to a different kind of income and having to get my tax return done on time!’
