Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

07th January 2013

Looking for ways to bring more good stuff into your family life? Gather together to create a vision board, sharing your hopes, aspirations and dreams and beginning the journey of manifesting them.

Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

07th January 2013

Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

07th January 2013

By the Law of Attraction, filling your thoughts with images and feelings around what you want more of naturally draws those things into your life. Creating a family vision board is a great way to share your aspirations and dreams. It is a way of ‘visioning’ the kind of future you want to create together. One mother uses her family vision board to promote the kind of interaction she wants more of as a family; ‘At the end of a long day, I often find my kids are at loggerheads with one another. Rather than ask them to ‘stop fighting’ – focusing on what I don’t want – I decided to create a family vision board filled with pictures of harmony and peace. Now it’s hanging in the kitchen where the kids can see it every day, and the effects have been incredible.’

A family vision board can help to:
Open up discussion around your family dreams
Clarify your intentions
Fill your life with positive imagery
Remind you where you’re going
Connect everyone to their higher intentions
Promote feelings of love, harmony and abundance
Give children a sense of control over their destiny
Get everyone believing in their dreams
Move you forward when you get stuck
Take positive steps to change your life
Commit to shared goals

What you need:
Several large pieces of coloured or white card – A3 or bigger
Old magazines and catalogues (as many as possible)
Coloured pens and pencils
Drawing paper
Smaller pieces of coloured paper
Glitter, stars, stickers, little jewels and anything else to decorate

Sit your children down around the table with the craft materials all laid out. Spark discussion for little ones with lots of interesting questions:
Where would you like to live?
What kind of experiences would you like to have?
Who would you love to spend time with?
Where would you like to visit/see/explore?
What are your favourite activities?

Then use the magazines and catalogues to cut out images of favourite things, colours, activities and anything that leaps off the page at you. Dream big! Too often we limit our potential by saying ‘oh no, I can’t do that, I don’t have enough money/ I’m too old / people like me can’t have those kinds of experiences’. Let go of all that and just let images resonate and move you. Watch how freely your children let their imaginations and dreams expand! Don’t censor yourself either, by only choosing the things you think you ‘should’ want: letting all aspects of ourselves have a piece of the pie can be an incredibly illuminating and positive experience – we are multi-dimensional beings.

You might want to create a vision board each and then a shared family one, particularly if your kids are older. Decorate your vision boards with powerful words that further cement your dreams: Love; Laughter; Abundance; Friendship; Beauty. Make your vision board as visually stimulating and pleasing as possible – you want your heart to literally sing for joy when you see it each morning!

As you glue each powerful image onto your vision board, talk to one another about what it means and why you’d like more of it in your life. This helps to clarify your intentions, and helps you be specific, rather than vague, about what you want.

Place your vision boards somewhere where you can all see them and check in with them. You might like to set a time in a few months time where you take the boards down and assess where you’re at and if there’s anything you’d like to add or change. If there are specific goals you are working towards, it can help to have a chart alongside your vision boards of smaller activities or achievements that help make those bigger goals happen. This can take the form of a savings chart for financial goals or a celebration of days where you had special time as a family fulfilling your aims to be more connected/kind/aware of one another.

Whenever you feel that you’re off kilter or not really sure where you’re going, spend some time gazing at your vision board. Affirm your dreams, focus your thoughts and watch as the magic unfolds!
