By The Green Parent

17th July 2022

Make the most of this last enchantress week before the academic year ends and the summer holiday vibes go into full effect shares Adeola Sheehy in this week's lunar forecast.

By The Green Parent

17th July 2022

By The Green Parent

17th July 2022

Even if you are not currently part of the mainstream school system there is an energy shift when the school gates are locked for six weeks and we all embrace the fun of summer.

This is a week to clear outstanding tasks, get the chores done and make space for play to enter your life. Whenever we want to add something to our lives we need to make space for it or we meet unnecessary resistance. This week be deliberate with your energy and utilise the lunar urge to clear away all that is no longer needed.


The enchantress is the queen of editing, open up your life to her laser focus and see through her eyes. Let her show you where the dead wood needs to be cut away, so new growth can come in the spring. Experiment with thinking about the different areas of your life… the people you share time with, the environment you live in and the work you spend your time on. Allow her to have her say, sleep on it during the dark moon and then let the maiden put it into action in two weeks time.

Get more inspiration:

Join us next Sunday evening for the following week’s forecast.

You can find Adeola on instagram @walking.with.the.moon and read more of her work at
