By The Green Parent

20th June 2022

With Father’s Day yesterday and the waning moon above us this week, there might well be some sensitive nerve ends feeling a bit frayed and exposed says Adeola Sheehy in her weekly lunar forecast

By The Green Parent

20th June 2022

By The Green Parent

20th June 2022

Parental relationships are never simple and regardless of whether we count our experiences as good or bad, they are the waters we travel in and experience very differently as we move through life. Use the solstice energy this week to refocus on finding your own balance once more. Use the extended day to retreat a little from the opinions and expectations of others and highlight instead what is it you want, and you need moving forward.

At this the midpoint of the year, take a moment to breathe into your centre and come into remembrance of all that you are, all that you have achieved and all that you are ready to let go of. The wheel will continue to turn, and we can let go with the reassurance we will return here again soon enough. Soak the light into your skin, let it warm your bones and carry it within you as the moon recedes so that you can light your own way ahead.


As the sun stands still above you, it is time to stand still within your own life and take stock. What is working for you right now and what isn’t? What parts of your day or week flow smoothly, and which feel challenging or always leave you feeling drained?

Try and be as specific as possible about what really feels good to you. Don’t worry about ‘shoulds’, focus only on your lived experience and making that the best it possibly can be, you deserve it.

Get more inspiration:

Join us next Sunday evening for the following week’s forecast.

You can find Adeola on instagram @walking.with.the.moon and read more of her work at
