By The Green Parent

20th August 2023

It’s the last full week of the holidays before thoughts of school, work and commitments rush in. Are you trying to cram stuff in asks Adeola Sheehy in her weekly lunar forecast.

By The Green Parent

20th August 2023

By The Green Parent

20th August 2023

The maiden is here in a big upwards push out of the dark, to offer a rush into the last heady week of the summer as we try and fill our days with seeing friends and family and making the most of our every hour.

While the extra energy and vitality is always a gift in the first quarter, when time feels like it’s moving too fast it can instigate feelings of overwhelm and anxiety.

Making clear, realistically manageable plans is one way to calm those feelings. Another is to simply acknowledge that the only thing the people you love most want from you, is your time and attention. The memories we cherish the most are of the mundane unscripted beauty in family life, whatever that looks like for you. This week, pause often, drink it all in and breathe out any whispers of ‘shoulds’ and ‘have to’.

Journal Prompts

Often, we move so quickly from one thing to the next, we hardly see or appreciate just how much we do and how many incredible memories we create as families.

This week take time each day to reminisce over your summer and the year.

What are your favourite moments?

What are you proud of or surprised by?

Who have you connected with and how have those moments changed you?

Before you rush into the next school year, take a look back and you will be amazed at what you see.

Get more inspiration:

Join us next Sunday evening for the following week’s forecast.

You can find Adeola on Instagram @adeola_moonsong and read more of her work at
