By The Green Parent

24th July 2022

It’s time to let go a little and change your expectations, both of yourself and those around you says Adeola Sheehy in her weekly lunar forecast for The Green Parent magazine.

By The Green Parent

24th July 2022

By The Green Parent

24th July 2022

And rest!

Working and having focus when the outside world is so warm and appealing is hard, so be make compromises where you need to and delegate where you can.

The crone is the wise old woman who has seen it all before. She knows there will be plenty of time on the rainy days to get things done. She also knows that these seasons of play are short and to be cherished while they are here. What is a priority this week and what can wait? What does your body really need to feel strong, healthy and vibrant? Make time for that, the rest will take care of itself.


Sitting inside as a child when you can hear your friends outside is the same torture as trying to go to sleep while listening to fireworks. As adults we often spend time and energy swimming against the current because we feel we ‘should’. Even if you are not on holiday, the summer is an opportunity to change the pace a little to meet your needs as they are not as they ought to be. What do you want from this summer, what would make you happy?

Get more inspiration:

Join us next Sunday evening for the following week’s forecast.

You can find Adeola on instagram @walking.with.the.moon and read more of her work at
