By The Green Parent

29th August 2021

The enchantress loves nothing better than extra time to get the job done, whatever that job may be! explains Adeola Sheehy in this week's lunar forecast.

By The Green Parent

29th August 2021

By The Green Parent

29th August 2021

This bank holiday do not be surprised if she has you clearing out the garage or finally getting round to all those jobs you had in mind at the beginning of the summer.

She is an expert at clearing on every level, but it is easily caught up and can go too far, becoming abrupt and harsh with her tone. If physically clearing, keep a box for sentimental items and check again later on in the month to see if you are ready to say goodbye to things that hold memories.

On an emotional level or within relationships, this phase will offer you a clear and direct voice but remember to pause and listen as well as vent.
