The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

16th June 2017

Tami Lynn Kent explains how reconnecting to the wild feminine within can help us feel more alive and unleash creative energy

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

16th June 2017

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

16th June 2017

Do you feel creative? Do you feel empowered to create your dreams? A woman’s body is designed to be creative - yet most women do not connect being creative or cultivating dreams with their own body. As a women’s health physical therapist, I’ve had the good fortune to work with the pelvic bowl and feminine creative energy. I’ve learned some essential truths for embracing the wild feminine within and using it to make the life of your dreams.

Most women understand the creative potential in their bodies in regards to pregnancy or giving birth - yet the power of the creative landscape within goes beyond having children. The creative essence in a woman’s body has relevance to her life and the very creative framework she is operating from. When a woman understands how to tap into her own wild feminine landscape, she gains a wealth of creative energy for living and feeling fully alive.

For example, when Sarah came in for a pelvic treatment after the birth of her second child, the imbalance in her body mirrored the imbalance in her life. She was working hard every day, trying to juggle and accomplish the various tasks on her to do list as a professional, mother, and partner. Most days she felt that she was only making a tiny dent in the mountain of real tasks and expectations for herself. Her own creative dreams were becoming lost in the process and she was losing touch with her centre because she had so much energy going outwards.

In addition to working on alignment in her body, I shared with Sarah these tools to align and focus her energy more intentionally.


  1. Set Clear Intentions In my women’s health practice, women talk about what is not working for them in regards to both their bodies and personal lives. And that’s a fine place to start in order to make a plan for change. But if we only stay with what is not working, like lack of balance for Sarah, or a sense of scarcity in time or money or the lack of a romantic partner, we may unintentionally energize that very place where our dreams are unrealized. Similarly, just working hard will not address the issue. If instead you focus on the clear intention of what you want: more time at home, a regular yoga class, a vibrant partnership with routine date nights, a treat that gives you a feeling of abundance - you are actually more likely to create it. Deciding what you want for yourself, as specifically as possible, is the way to clearly identify your dreams. Focusing on what you want (instead of what you don’t have) is the way to steer your energy in a clear direction to make things happen for yourself.
  2. Follow the Creative Flow Every person has places of flow in their life and points of challenge or restriction. Rather than working harder when things are not flowing, it’s helpful to come to your own centre by pausing for a moment or even an hour. Take time to be quiet, reflect on the inner landscape, and receive the guidance that arises. Note where the energy is flowing. After taking an intentional pause, move in the direction of natural flow. If, for example, a work project is overwhelming or not aligning for you, take time to clean your closets or plant in your garden where you can make some tangible progress. Then return to your work project and see if you have a new perspective or direction. Engaging the natural flow gives energy to your body and life. Like a river that pushes through a log jam, the natural ways creative energy is moving may open a whole new area of potential for you. For Sarah, she always had a natural sense of flow when working in her garden but hardly made time for it with all that she needed to accomplish. By making time for gardening, even for fifteen minutes, she found that she was in a better mood and felt refreshed. While in her garden, she also felt more expansive and had a natural flow of ideas for other aspects of her life.
  3. Use Feminine and Masculine Resources Your feminine resources include the holistic picture of your dreams, such as seeing the vision of what you want for yourself. Your masculine resources include the specific details for realizing these dreams. Sarah was spending time primarily in the masculine aspects of task completion, but in the process was losing sight of her feminine ability to see the whole picture. For Sarah, gardening is a way to access this essential clarity from the feminine realm. Creating your dreams requires both the feminine visioning capacity with its raw creative energy as well as the focused masculine task orientation that brings this energy into a specific form. Like Sarah, if you only use the masculine potential, you might make lists and stay focused on the details but potentially lose track of where you are going or what your dreams are. Or, if you only use the feminine potential, you have a grand vision (or several of them) but never take the clear steps to achieve your vision. Moving fluidly between these two capacities, for example, both holding a whole vision of your dreams and moving deliberately towards them is the way to realizing your dreams. It’s like having a garden plan as the vision, with the day to day gardening as the steps to cultivation. Every creative dream achieved contains a balance of feminine and masculine resources.
  4. Make a Practice of Resonance Creating your dreams is a birth process, one that requires moving through resistance to give form to these dreams. When you dream your life, it means that you envision your fullest potential beyond what already is. Like a pregnancy, a dream seed or a creation before it’s formed requires nurturance and gestation. But this is also one of the places that dreams get lost in the resistance that can arise. Dreams require focus and intention in the face of resistance that may appear as stress, worry, not feeling worthy, avoidance of the necessary work, or even fear of actually having our dreams come true. These various forms of resistance must be met in order for dreams to be birthed. Though we may desire the life of our dreams, we may also not be prepared for the real discomfort that can arise in the process of making them. We have to let ourselves grow, and meet the edges where we resist our full potential, in order to receive and live into these dreams. Having a practice of resonance, or a way to maintain inner harmony, can assist you in moving through the inevitable resistance that occurs when you are taking creative risks and living into your potential. Resonance is a pattern of alignment, a way of harmonizing in a synchronous vibration. To cultivate a harmonic resonance, it helps to know what brings a sense of harmony to your own being. Sarah had identified gardening as one of her go to means of finding resonance. I teach women to cultivate resonance by dropping down into the quiet of the creative centre and saying a blessing such as: may I live into the life of my dreams with ease and flow. Blessings and meditation cultivate resonance by soothing the energy lines in your own creative field. Likewise, taking a moment to ponder your gratitudes and what you love encourages resonance as well. These are the tools that I’ve learned from the female body: set clear creative intentions, mother (or create) from the centre, use both feminine and masculine resources, and make a practice of resonance. The female body is wired for creativity. Use this creative medicine from within and you will find yourself living the life of your wild feminine dreams.


READ Mothering From Your Centre: Tapping Your Body’s Natural Energy for Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting by Tami

VISIT Tami’s blog at to read about family life and her work with the wild feminine

LISTEN to a radio show with Christiane Northrup and Tami at
