By The Green Parent

22nd September 2021

It's Autumn Equinox today. If you are looking for ways to mark this transition here are some juicy ideas. Find out the importance of cleansing your body and staying strong and how to use Ayurveda to ease the transition.

By The Green Parent

22nd September 2021

By The Green Parent

22nd September 2021


After the openness and expansion of the summer months, nature’s energies shift and begin to turn inward towards the colder, darker months. This heralds a time of quiet introspection, of gathering our energies and making more time to be still. But as we are often still high with the energy of summer, and sometimes toxic and overloaded from all that celebrating, the push on our bodies to release and cleanse can trigger symptoms such as colds, emotional upsets, and headaches and nausea as our livers do their work. Read how to stay strong this equinox


Autumn Equinox is an opportunity to give thanks for your own harvest too and to look for the seeds within them. Day and night are equal in length, and at this point of balance, look for what might have become out of balance in your life and what you could do to help restore it? Plan a harvest party, asking everyone to bring seasonal home-cooked food and drinks to share, and something to add to a central shrine that will reflect harvest in all its many different ways. Read these ways to celebrate.


It’s a time of year when everything is in transition, when our focus starts to turn inwards. Some of us can find the ride a little bumpy and many of us suffer from colds and respiratory problems now. Read how to survive and thrive with yoga and affirmations.


The Air Element is predominant in autumn: more lightness, dryness (temporarily), coolness, the erratic ‘winds of change’. These qualities in nature have a tendency to aggravate vata (one of the three constitutional types, or doshas, in the Ayurvedic system) , which has already begun accumulating at the end of summer. As vata regulates the nervous system, the levels of moisture in the body, how relaxed we feel and how well we digest food, these can easily become unsettled. If our digestion is functioning below par then harmful ama (toxins) can also increase. Diseases where toxins and vata mix together, such as arthritis, can appear. To balance vata, limit exposure to cold winds and dryness and try to minimise erratic behaviour. Read ten ways to stay healthy this autumn with Ayurveda.
