By The Green Parent

18th July 2021

Julia Vearncombe is the co-founder of skin:genius ( She’s married with two teenage sons and lives in Sussex.

By The Green Parent

18th July 2021

By The Green Parent

18th July 2021

I get up at 6am, shower and body comb to wake me up and use the skin:genius cleanser and moisturiser. I love to wear make-up and always style my hair as it makes me feel good and ready for the day. I’m not a breakfast lover so normally have a piece of fruit and a herb tea whilst checking my phone for messages before getting the boys up and ready for school. About three-four times a week, my husband and I go for a brisk for for about an hour before starting work otherwise no exercise gets done! Always a salad or homemade soup for lunch and I love cooking. Each day is extremely varied with skin:genius and there’s always something new to learn which I love. I like to do yoga to keep me balanced!

We have a busy year ahead of us which is really exciting. After re-branding and launching our new look in March 2020, it’s great to finally get out there to show skin:genius off and get talking to our customers. Supporting parents with the knowledge that their children will be able to carry on their skin:CARE routine and feel confident about themselves is very important and one of the reasons we are really pleased to be launching a subscription service this month. We’ve completed testing and will be launching new products later this year which we are very excited about, staying with our ethos of minimum products with maximum results. Watch this space! Winning Gold in The Green Parent awards for Best Serum with “all’s well that gels well”, was a great way to start the coming year.


  1. skin:genius was created due to my personal experience in my teens and early twenties with ‘bad skin’ and we all deserve to feel good.
  2. We have won 23 awards and counting.
  3. Teenage boys love us too!

