The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

14th March 2023

Paola Dyboski-Bryant and her son, Ziggy, 12, have lived in a van in France for two years. Paola runs eco giant bubble company Dr Zigs

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

14th March 2023

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

14th March 2023

“An unexpected sequence of events in late December 2019 catapulted Ziggy and I into an adventure of a lifetime. We had travelled to France to see my mum, but on arriving in France discovered that that we had been on the last train out.

As the realities of lockdowns started to crystallise coupled with the impending challenges of trade post-Brexit, it made sense to stay put. We headed to Brittany hoping that a beautiful Hymer van we’d seen online was a good one. Neither of us had ever bought a camper van before!

Bobbelix is a Hymer 595, 2015 model, with a rear lounge. We’ve travelled up and down France and Catalunya. We camp in lay-bys or woodlands, friends’ driveways, and the occasional luxury campsite.

Ziggy has adapted like a pro. His favourite thing is the drop-down bed above the driving seat, his den. His least favourite is packing up when we’re moving on.

We’ve discovered how to run off solar, how to use inverters, how not to use inverters, how to test out internet speeds. Ziggy’s helped me fix the fridge, sew the curtains, change the gas.

We started with the absolute basics. A small saucepan, a pack of pasta, oat milk, a couple of plates, a sharp knife. The essential Italian coffee machine. During our first foray south we were called back by my mum’s care home. We were with her as she took her last breath, while outside the cherry blossom fluttered to the ground.

Bobbelix now contains precious belongings. My father’s sailing barometer, my great aunty Ilby’s place mat. My mother’s recipe book. Her vase. Her teddy bear.

We juggle work, homeschooling, Zoom calls and meetings. We think up projects, and Ziggy writes about topics we stumble across. How a transporter bridge that we drive over has been engineered, anteaters, Cern, because we’d like to visit. Come 3pm we’re free to walk, swim, drive to our next location, or visit friends. We’ve seen Barcelona with hardly any tourists, Carcasonne deserted, we’ve walked down gorges, and along coastal paths. We feel lucky.

Occasionally we find a spot and stop. Recently we’ve tucked away in the Pyrenees. Ziggy gets lost in the world beneath the waves, he’s swum with octopi and cuttlefish. We’ve recently acquired bikes, and we shop so much less. We buy fresh, local food, collect herbs, forage.

So far we’ve avoided cabin fever; even in storms we get out, loving the cosy space on our return. On longer drives Ziggy can tip his chair back, perch his computer on his lap, put his headphones on and chat with friends. Getting me-time is rarer. We have made new friends and often see old friends. Then Ziggy is off with kids his own age, adventuring, discovering freedom.”

Find out more about Dr Zigs at
