Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

04th December 2012

At this time of year, we tend to forget about the garden a bit after all the harvesting activity. But a bit of TLC during these colder months sets your garden up for a verdant and healthy spring. Here are a few things to keep your green fingers busy and your garden feeling loved.

Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

04th December 2012

Lucy Corkhill

By Lucy Corkhill

04th December 2012

Things to do in the garden this December

1). Protect tender plants for winter using horticultural fleece

2). If you have any cabbages or other brassicas, make sure that they are netted to protect from hungry pigeons

3). Plan next year’s beds and order seeds remembering to rotate your crops using permaculture principles

4). Leave some seed heads and berries in the garden for birds to feast on

5). Move containers to a sheltered spot. Clustering them together helps protect the root systems from suffering frost damage or you can wrap them in bubble wrap or hessian sacking

6). Plant raspberry canes now whilst they are dormant for yummy raspberries next year

7). Clean out the greenhouse thoroughly. Wash all surfaces and all your pots with hot soapy water ready for next year’s seedlings

8). Collect fallen leaves for composting – they’ll make a nourishing leafmould for your beds

9). Give all your garden tools a good scrub with hot soapy water and wipe them over with an oily rag to ensure they’re in good shape for next year’s gardening – you’ll find they’ll last twice as long with this kind of care

10). Prune bush and standard apples and pears to encourage new fruiting wood and shape the tree

11). Pile up any prunings in a tucked away part of the garden to rot, providing a wonderful habitat for all kinds of insects and mammals

12). Plant onion sets and garlic if the weather is still mild enough

13). Place a bowl of water out every day for the birds and other wildlife. In freezing temperatures, make sure that ponds and birdbaths are not frozen over.
