The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

16th January 2017

Getting your body into balance is one thing. Aligning the energies of your home takes the art of yoga to a whole new level

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

16th January 2017

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

16th January 2017

Vastu Shasta is a science that creates balance and harmony in the home, practiced by Indians for thousands of years. Written about in the ancient texts known as the Vedas, this science is based upon the five elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Space) and how they affect our health, wellbeing and productivity.

Vastu shows that everything in the universe is made up of energy and is interconnected. We are made of the same elements that comprise our environment. We can see our bodies as the microcosm and our world as the macrocosm, as we are influenced by the same laws of nature that govern our planet. Let’s look at what happens when there is disharmony in the elements on a global and a more personal level. If the five elements are disturbed at a global level we experience earth changes. Modern living can disturb the equilibrium of the elements and natural disasters are nature’s way of restoring balance. For example, earthquakes occur when there is an earth imbalance, hurricanes and floods happen due to disturbance in the water element and volcanic eruptions and forest fires occur where there is disharmony in the element of fire. In our bodies these elemental shifts can also cause problems. Imbalance in earth energy for example, can cause sluggishness and tiredness and a feeling of lack of support. Anger is considered an imbalance in the fire element. If we are dehydrated or out of touch with our spirituality this can be due to a water element disharmony. We feel healthier and more alive when we work to get our system into equilibrium. Practicing yoga and eating right for our body type helps with this. However, the science of Vastu Shasta can also be used. Each element relates to a direction (earth - southwest; water - northeast; fire - southeast; air northwest; and space - the central area). The interplay between these elements and the directions affects you on every level of your existence. If we are not aligned with solar and geomagnetic forces we may experience illness, misfortune and struggle. It is as if we are attempting to swim against the current of a river.

Six key principles of Vastu

  1. Keep the northeast of any room or building as clean, open & clutter-free as possible.
  2. Heavy objects and furniture should be positioned in the southwest, keeping this direction as heavy and blocked as possible.
  3. Keep the centre or middle of your house as open as possible to allow space for the ether element.
  4. Entrances are best placed in the north and east and it is recommended that usage of entrances in the south and west is reduced or ceased entirely.
  5. The ‘fire’ element is assigned to the southeast and consequently is the best direction for placement of the kitchen and electrical appliances etc.
  6. Avoid sleeping with your head facing in a northerly direction.

When we individually restore balance to the five elements in our homes, offices and bodies, we open the door to the flow of support the universe has to offer. By honouring ourselves, and our living and working environments as sacred, through these simple yet powerful suggestions, the quality of our life is improved. This is the way of Vastu. The ancient seers observed that every building is a living organism with its own energy field. They called the spirit of the building Vastu Purusha. People seldom think of their homes as living entities, but the benefits of understanding this premise are truly life changing. In Indian architecture, the dwelling is itself a shrine. A home is called manushyalaya, literally, “human temple”. It is not merely a shelter for human beings in which to rest and eat. The concept behind house design is the same as for temple design, so sacred and spiritual are the two spaces. The “open courtyard” system of house design was the national pattern in India before Western models were introduced. The idea being that the central space is kept unbuilt and open to the sky so as to have contact with the outer space. This central courtyard is likened to the lungs of the human body. It is not for living purposes. Religious and cultural events can be held here—such as yajna (fire rituals), music and dance performances and marriage. Inside, the four quarters are assigned as follows: northeast for the home shrine, southeast for the kitchen, southwest for the master bedroom and northwest for the storage of grains. Over time, people lost touch with the importance of living in harmony with the natural environment. And in our Western culture, our homes and places of work have gradually become filled with unnecessary stress and strife. Very simple adjustments, using tools that return the five elements to balance, will often alleviate this stress. Such adjustments can be made economically, without disturbing your environment too much. When you support and enliven Vastu Purusha, the spirit of your building, the result is greater health, prosperity, and happiness for all who enter. If the five elements are balanced and any obstructions to life-supporting energy (prana) are removed, you will receive the maximum life enhancing energy. This will assist you in reaching your full potential. More opportunities will present themselves to you and you will have greater clarity of mind to be able to act.

Benefits of Vastu • Enhances your health and vitality • Promotes financial prosperity • Creates a stress-free and supporting environment • Improves your relationships and dealings with other people • Gives you inspiration and maximises your effectiveness • Provides you with a refreshing, good night’s sleep • Creates a harmonious and tranquil atmosphere in your home • Promotes general fortune and wellbeing.

Want to know more?

Simple changes we can make that will benefit our lives:

Balance the earth element by having plants in the southwest. Plants absorb toxins and help clean our environment. Another thing we can do to balance the earth element is to place heavier items in the southwest area of a room, home or office. Heavier pieces placed in this direction will create support and protection on an energetic level.

Place a fountain, water feature or bowl of fresh water in the northeast to balance the water element. A fountain in this direction will enliven and purify our environment. Drink plenty of fresh water to maintain the balance of fluid in the body, to eliminate toxins and to hydrate. Use low flow water restrictors wherever possible to conserve our precious water supply. When there is balance in the water element we experience ease and grace in our spiritual practice and in our finances.

The fire element can be balanced by using full spectrum lighting in all areas of the home and office, especially in the southeast. Use low wattage lighting to conserve energy. When there is balance in the fire element, our health improves.

Open windows, even for a few minutes each morning, to balance the air element in the northwest. Clean fireplaces and chimneys regularly. If you work in a windowless environment, use a negative-ion generator to bring more prana (life-force energy) into the office.

This will help with mental clarity. Relationships are enhanced when the air element is balanced. Clearing clutter and debris in all areas of the home or office is one way to help balance the space element. Get rid of the old to make room for the new. By eliminating that which no longer serves us, we free up space to embrace our unlimited potential.
