The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

07th September 2020

Lindsey Hedges lives and works in beautiful West Wales. She's an aromatherapist and lover of plant medicine, and is passionate about creating planet friendly products that promote health and wellbeing

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

07th September 2020

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

07th September 2020

I started Akamuti ( in 2003 and I run the business alongside my family from our small workshop on the edge of the wonderfully wild Brechfa forest. We are a team of six including my two sisters Jenny and Karis, my brother Daniel, his fiancee Jess and our Mum, Anita. Together we create beautiful products and ship them all over the world! We feel very blessed to work and live in such a peaceful place, abundant in natural beauty and surrounded by forests.

As a teenager, I loved learning about the wild herbs growing along the riverbank in our woodland garden. In the summer of 2002, I had been busy harvesting bunches of comfrey leaves and drying them in our tiny kitchen to make comfrey oil. I loved turning precious beeswax and this magical rich green oil into jars of healing ointment. One day, my Mum came home from a shopping trip and guess what she had purchased! A pot of comfrey balm. Ever the indignant teenager, I exclaimed “but I could have made you that!” And in that moment, I knew that I could and I would make my passion for creating products from healing plants, my business.


Being outdoors in nature is my all time favourite tonic. I love to walk in enchanted woods, or find a peaceful place with just the company of trees and water to recharge and rejuvenate my spirit. I treasure spending any time in nature, far from the madding crowd! I love the cleansing power of water, so anywhere that I can see stretches of water or be in it, helps to cleanse my mind and helps me to be present and in the moment. If I can make the time for music and dancing, that is also one of my shortcuts to health and happiness. And finally, a wonderful aromatic bath with salts, candlelight and fragrant flower oils is one of my favourite tonics.


We definitely want to share our passion for nature, plants and healing in more interactive ways. We are hoping to provide some practical courses, workshops and retreats for people eager to learn about plants and oils and create a nourishing space for people to restore their connections to plants and the natural world.


My number one choice is to buy local and support small, independent businesses and growers. Whenever possible, support people who care about their locality, health and the environment. Choosing organic or wildcrafted products helps to safeguard the earth and actively supports healthier soils and protects ecosystems. I would also suggest reconnecting with nature as much as possible and actively learning about the world you live in. Make connections with people, plants and animals. The more we learn about our connections to nature, the more likely we are to make healthier choices that have a positive impact on both ourselves and the wider world. Immerse yourself in the wisdom of others too, one of my favourite books is Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. It will change you forever, in a good way.
