By The Green Parent

13th August 2023

With September fast approaching we will be starting to feel those first brushes of a change in the seasons says Adeola Sheehy in her weekly lunar forecast.

By The Green Parent

13th August 2023

By The Green Parent

13th August 2023

As the moon slips into her dark phase, we feel the distant echoes of winter and feel the urge to withdraw for a moment, craving time with our nearest and dearest. The dark moon reflects how we experience our bleeding time and noticing what activities and people you lean towards can offer you insights to better support you in your own cycle.

It’s okay to retreat into your personal cave even when the sun is shining, and as we learn to listen to ourselves and meet our own needs, our bodies trust us more and our confidence rises.

Journal Prompts

Can you offer yourself time this Wednesday, while the moon it at her darkest point, to sit with yourself as listen to the needs and the truths that arise.

A dark moon ritual can be even more powerful than a full moon celebration, because you are as your most connected to yourself and your inner voice is clearer.

What do you really want for yourself?

Are you happy and what would you need to change to bring even more happiness into your daily life?

Get more inspiration:

Join us next Sunday evening for the following week’s forecast.

You can find Adeola on Instagram @adeola_moonsong and read more of her work at
