The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

23rd September 2020

Chloe Osborn is the founder and curator of Moksa, a small batch independent producer of natural, nutrient-dense, plant-based skincare that is vegan and cruelty free. She lives with her husband and their one year old son in a small village on the outskirts of Totnes in Devon.

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

23rd September 2020

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

23rd September 2020

It was when I was travelling with my husband after quitting our 9-5’s that the idea first came to me. I’d already completed a natural cosmetics course a few months previous but that was really just so I could make them for myself at home. I’d never dreamed I would be making a living out of it! I’ve always tried to live my life as eco consciously as I can and it’s clear that it really matters now more than ever.

I spent some time in an Ashram learning all things yogic which was a huge inspiration. The idea that I could actually create my own business filled me with anticipation and excitement. The name Moksa came to me the day we returned to the UK, it sounds silly but it really was one of those magical lightning bolt moments. I was so sure it was right, I bought the domain and registered it as a trademark that same week. Check out


I strongly believe in self-care and that it should be simple and accessible. Taking just a few minutes a day can really boost your mood and can have amazing benefits.

Yoga and meditation are wonderful tools, even just five minutes in the morning to stretch or focus on your breath can really set your attitude for the day. Whenever I’m feel a little overwhelmed I just close my eyes and take a few nice deep, long breaths and try to focus on something positive; it really works wonder and provides a moment of instant calm.

This is how the Facial Ritual Kits came about as I wanted people to be able to enjoy a mini spa-like experience in their own home. It can take as little or as long as you want it to. I encourage breathing deeply during each element which really calms the mind and your face will definitely thank you for it!


When I started Moksa it was because I wanted to have a small business that I could run alongside having a family. Never in my dreams did I expect it to grow the way that it has done in the two years since I started it, especially as during the majority of that time I have either been pregnant or had a newborn to look after! The future at the moment is hard to predict, the last few months have been very uncertain for everyone. I’ve been incredibly lucky in the fact that the majority of my offering is online so we haven’t been too badly affected. Hopefully I can continue to grow with new product releases coming very soon and some new stockists which is very exciting.


1. I think what is important is that it is sustainable for you. Start small and don’t jump in and make huge changes that you’ll find hard to keep up with.

2. Be happy. If something isn’t making you happy then it’s not worth your time. Donations are a wonderful thing and knowing that someone else can find joy in something that doesn’t for you anymore is great for the soul. There are so many group now on various channels. A great one I joined locally recently was a toddlers clothes and toys sharing group which is completely invaluable during these particularly hard times. Having a good clear out can be wonderfully nourishing and of course sharing or donating is fantastically sustainable too.

3. The final one I would say is buy as local and as small as possible. This is especially important during these incredibly strange times. The big fish will survive this but us small businesses really count on your support now more than ever. We really appreciate every single customer and every single order and are incredibly grateful for our wonderful, loyal following.
