The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

03rd August 2021

Adeola Sheehy invites us to find our wild this waning moon. She asks what do you no longer wish to carry with you into the autumn months? Use your enchantress energy to slough away what's no longer needed.

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

03rd August 2021

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

03rd August 2021

With the celebration of Lughnasadh, the marking of the halfway point between the summer and autumn, this waning moon will have an intense focus on reflection and ready ourselves for the autumn to come.

You are a wild and powerful being living in wild and powerful times. The enchantress is fuelled by the untameable autumnal winds that tear through the forest and strip the trees of all that they no longer need.

The summer is a time of rest and escape, but it is also an opportunity to take stock and begin anew in September. What do you want to carry forward and what do you need to leave behind?

Can you utilise the waning moon to make deliberate and positive decisions for your future?

Join us next Sunday evening for the following week’s forecast.

You can find Adeola on instagram @adeola_moonsong and read more of her work at
