The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

05th March 2023

With March’s arrival we can finally say that spring is here, a time of new growth sprouting through the soil, a time of vibrant colour and of hope says Adeola Sheehy in her weekly lunar forecast.

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

05th March 2023

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

05th March 2023

With the full moon on Tuesday there’s a sense of love in the air and I’m hoping that a lot of that feeling will be directed at you. The full moon is known through storytelling of all kinds as a time of fullness, wildness and a sense of wide-open arms embracing everything. It’s a time of heightened senses, of passion and sometimes recklessness. There are ways this energy can be harnessed without getting us into too much trouble if we walk with awareness and deliberation, and I invite you to do that this week by choosing where in your life to channel this feeling.

Do your relationships need a dose of passion or has your work life started to feel more like duty rather than fulfilling a sense of purpose for you lately? How would it feel to howl like a wolf or bound over the land like the wild march hare in different aspects of your life? Can you bring that energy and passion into your daily lived experience? It is easy to feel stagnant with the routine of life, but seasonal shifts can prompt us to shake things up and check in with where the joy is in our lives and allow that to be our guide.

Journal Prompts

When you find yourself in the middle of a transition, it is always a good idea to check in with what you are feeling. What does spring mean to you? What do you look forward to in this new season and what do you wish you can hold on to about winter?

Which elements of your life feel like they have slowed down or come to complete stop over the colder months that you would like to breathe new life into?

Get more inspiration:

Join us next Sunday evening for the following week’s forecast.

You can find Adeola on Instagram @adeola_moonsong and read more of her work at
