By The Green Parent

21st November 2023

The idea of home educating my children never crossed my mind when I was pregnant with my first. Fast forward seven years, and here we are, home educating all three of them. WORDS: Mirtill Yelland

By The Green Parent

21st November 2023

By The Green Parent

21st November 2023

Home education was a natural fit for our family much like breastfeeding, baby wearing or using cloth nappies. We fell into it effortlessly, and it aligns perfectly with our family ethos.

My children are thriving in the home environment, they are curious, creative and playful, and they enjoy learning all the time. They are like little sponges, soaking up every bit of information we encounter in our everyday lives. I like to take them out everywhere with me so they can experience life. They have so many questions. I love it when they are curious because that is when they learn best. I believe that this is the most natural way of learning.

Encouraging curiosity

We usually follow their interests when it comes to topics they would like to learn about. Our learning is mostly spontaneous, and I don’t force anything on them. If they have questions that I cannot answer, I note them down, and we research them together later. I have a pocket diary where I make notes of the topics we cover and questions I need to answer for them.

As a home educating parent, you can sometimes feel isolated. Rest assured, there are national and regional groups on social media where you can connect with other home educating families in your area. Joining your local community will help you discover many events, meet-ups, and learning groups tailored to children’s interests. If you want to organize a specific class or group for your child, don’t hesitate to do so. Most educational organizations and venues are very accommodating and happy to help.

Go wild; get outside!

I believe, that going outdoors is also essential. Depending on your living arrangements, it can be challenging, but it’s worth the effort. Being outside, breathing fresh air, and experiencing nature fills children’s hearts with excitement, and their imaginations run wild. It also helps parents to recharge. We usually plan our outdoor activities with my husband for the month ahead of us, and we use at least one of our weekends every month to go for a day trip and spend the day exploring historic sites, or doing easy, children’s friendly hikes.

“Being outside, breathing fresh air, and experiencing nature fills children's hearts with excitement, and their imaginations run wild.”

We celebrate nature all year round, and each season inspires our learning journey. The kids make a wheel of the year calendar every year, where they include seasonal festivities, our family likes to celebrate. When we are outdoors, we bring a small bag with us to collect natural items like shells, sticks, leaves, flowers, and sea glass. This way, we always have something to use for crafting or to study closer.

In terms of academics, we are not following any curriculum. Our education philosophy is child-led. My seven-year-old daughter has only recently begun to show an interest in reading, so we take it slowly. She loves Dr. Seuss, and we read it together a lot. We also make sure to read to them in the evening before bedtime. We are currently reading through a chapter book about fairies and gnomes. My six-year-old has also started to show an interest in letters, and the two of them work together a lot, learning from one another. My youngest, who is four, plays mostly. Some days, we sit down together and do activity sheets, like sudoku or word puzzles. We believe that children learn at their own pace and in their own way, so we let them lead the way.

We hope that our experience will encourage other families who are considering home education. Although it may seem daunting at first, the journey is highly rewarding and beneficial for both children and parents.

Mirtill Yelland lives with her family in the North East of England. “We are home educating all three of our children (they are 4, 6 and 7). I am a well experienced home educator, and an active member of our local community.”
