Create your own family friendly National Novel Writing Month experience at home with your kids. Here are our top ten ways for inspiring young writers. So, dig out those pens and get creative says Lucy Corkhill

National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo as it’s known, had humble beginnings back in 1993 in the San Francisco Bay area. 21 writers decided to set themselves the goal of ‘a novel in a month’. Since then, it’s gone from strength to strength and in 2011, 256,618 people participated, with 36,843 of them crossing the 50,000 word finish line by the midnight deadline on 30th November. Participants can log in to the website and offer support and advice on the forums, plus log their achievements.

The idea behind NaNoWriMo is that everyone has a novel in them, they just lack the time, energy and commitment to get it down. With a deadline to work to, and the knowledge that there are thousands of other writers staying up late around the world to meet their word quota, it’s amazing what you can achieve!

Even if you decide NaNoWriMo is a bridge too far for you this year, it offers an excellent opportunity to get children interested in writing. How about creating a smaller version for your family? Here’s our top ten ideas for a family-friendly NaNoWriMo: