Our main objective is to provide information that empowers readers and supports them in being their own experts. We like to publish articles that have a strong point of view and are written from the heart.

Familiarise Yourself With The Green Parent

We are more likely to publish your article if you are a Green Parent reader and are familiar with the issues we discuss and our standpoint on raising children, alternative health and environmental concerns, for example. Consider those subjects about which you are passionate and those that are undercovered. You can look at some samples of the magazine here. The Green Parent is a bi-monthly print & digital publication and website with an international readership over 150,000.

Our choice of articles depends on the other material we have published on the topic (browse back issues here), how new the topic is to us and how unique the angle is. 

How to Submit Your Work

​Please send your work as a Word Document and email it as an attachment. Email articles to features@thegreenparent.co.uk for the attention of Melissa Corkhill. Please include contact details (name, address, tel no and email address) within your email and on the word document.

Please provide a brief biographical sketch at the end of the article (25-50 words about you, your family, where you live, level of expertise in the subject about which you are writing).

What We Are Looking For

We are particularly keen on features written in the first person about a real-life experience (for example: How I Walked 1000 Miles With My Family Across Africa or I Lived Without Plastic for a Year).

​We are looking for articles covering the following topics:

  • Pregnancy and Conscious Birth
  • Breastfeeding
  • Family Life and Simple Living
  • Alternative Education
  • Natural Health and Beauty
  • Green Travel
  • Feeding a Family
  • Gardening, Particularly Growing Your Own
  • Sustainable Fashion

Length of Features

Full length article: 1500 - 2000 words
Short Opinion Piece: 600 words


​If you have high res, excellent quality images to support your article please send them to us by email or wetransfer.


​Please note: We will not accept previously published work. Please do not send us an article if it has been submitted to another magazine, until you have heard that it will not be published by them. 


​Your article is for the use of Green Parent Media to publish in The Green Parent magazine and possibly online at thegreenparent.co.uk. Contribution of your article is deemed as agreement to these terms.

We request that your article is not published elsewhere (this includes publishing on your own blog) for at least six months from the date of publication in The Green Parent. 

Reprinted articles should carry the following byline (with web address included): This article was first published in the Green Parent magazine, issue no: date: thegreenparent.co.uk.


​Our procedure is to read articles within two months and respond to those writers whose work we are interested in publishing. If you have not heard from us within two months please take this as indication that we are not able to publish your work.

Once an article is received and we have expressed an interest we may want to keep it for several issues; we plan in advance and may have already selected articles for upcoming issues before we receive your article.

Even when an article is selected for an issue it may be pulled due to lack of space. These uncertainties make it difficult for us to be as specific in our acceptance as we would like; we appreciate your understanding of this creative process. We try not to keep an article for longer than six months as although we may like it we feel it should have a chance in another market.

If You Don't Hear From Us

We retain only a small percentage of the articles we receive. If you don’t hear from us we are unable to accommodate your work at this time. This is not a rejection of your work, it is a practical consideration. We evaluate all articles in light of the other features we have in each issue, when we last covered the subject and our readers’ interest in the topic.

We encourage you wholeheartedly to submit your work elsewhere if we cannot accept it.

We accept articles on a speculative basis so even if we have expressed an interest in, or given you the go-ahead on, a proposed article, we cannot guarantee its publication.

Rate of Payment

​We pay £75 per 1000 words. Payment is made by bank transfer on publication. Once we have confirmed publication of your work we’ll request an invoice to include name, address and bank details. In addition to payment, all authors receive a complimentary voucher copy of The Green Parent.

Expenses are not usually paid, except in exceptional circumstances, and then only by prior arrangement.


​The Green Parent is an editorially-led magazine with a self-imposed advertiser criteria (advertisers must reflect the values of The Green Parent - no disposable nappies, no formula milks or products that undermine breastfeeding, no electronic toys, no TV - or related branded products, no products tested on animals, etc.). It is unusual for a magazine such as ours to pay for articles but we feel it is important to maintain the high level of journalism that our readers have come to expect and we are also keen to support those writers who are stay-at-home writers.

Photo by Hannah Olinger