15 Ways to Celebrate Spring Equinox
At Ostara, or the Spring Equinox, day and night are in perfect balance. Here are sixteen fun ways to celebrate the turning of the wheel of the year with your family
Glennie is an artist and a writer, who’s published twelve books about our relationship with the Earth and how to create ceremony. Find her at glenniekindred.co.uk.
At Ostara, or the Spring Equinox, day and night are in perfect balance. Here are sixteen fun ways to celebrate the turning of the wheel of the year with your family
This Imbolc, set an intention for change - what do you want to create in the coming year?
The Solstice is an opportunity in our busy lives to put aside some time to pause, to appreciate the stillness and rest that is the gift of midwinter
The festival of Samhain takes place on 31 October and it's a chance to tap into the magical and mystery and give thanks for all we've received this year
Autumn Equinox, or Mabon, is the harvest celebration - here are ways to mark the turning of the year with small children
Summer Solstice is a transition moment; a new cycle is about to begin. It's time to look back at what we've achieved and envision the harvest to come.