How to tap into the healing powers of this time of year by Josie Cremore

It is far too easy to become wrapped up in life. To allow yourself to be distracted by everything that isn’t important and to forget to be mindful and present with the things that mean the most to you. The things you know will make you happiest. 

Autumn is my Goddess time. It is my time of empowerment, where I feel most connected to the world around us. Perhaps it is because of how thin the walls are between this world and others at this time of year, or perhaps it is due to the way the landscape suddenly reveals the most bountiful treasures, reminding me how amazing nature is. Whatever it might be, I always find myself profoundly comfortable and completely at peace during this season. I feel more like me than at any other time of the year.

A few years back, however, the feeling was slow to root. The long sticky summer was reluctant to make way for crisper mornings and cosy layers were often completely shed by lunchtime. I was wrapped up in my thoughts, plagued by the stresses of a house move (taking far too long) and consumed by the daily demands of life. I was distracted; buried in paperwork and emails and household chores and barely noticed the leaves turning their stunning hues of orange and gold. I wasn't mindful and I wasn't present.