Learn about the Celtic Tree Ogham and more about each tree astrology sign. Those born under willow (April 15 - May 12) have strong intuition.

A tree of the otherworld, Salix Alba (white willow) is a builder of bridges between this world and the next. The willow is the conductor of relationships, the bringer of love, poetic inspiration, the element of water, of music, the moon and great goddess herself.

The fourth letter in the tree alphabet stands for the female and lunar rhythms of life. She grows by the water, reaching roots deep into the earth and thrives on the damp margins of lakes and streams or in water meadows. This is an elegant tree with supple branches and dancing leaves of silver and green. She bends and moves with the wind. A tenacious plant, if you place a cut twig or branch in the ground, it will easily root and grow into a new tree. For this reason, the willow is strongly linked to new growth, regeneration and inspiration. Willow was used in the annual purification ritual of "beating the bounds" (defining the parish boundary) and the birch twigs of a witch's broom were traditionally bound with willow. It is also thought that placing a wand of willow under one's pillow, especially around the full moon, helps promote night visions.


When scraped, the inner bark - which peels away easily - contains salicylic acid, the active ingredient of aspirin. These scrapings were traditionally used to alleviate pain, lower fevers and as an astringent tonic. Willow was used to relieve rheumatic conditions and gout. It was also used as a diuretic, a gargle for sore throats and gums, an external wash for sores, skin problems, wounds and burns. A decoction of leaves and bark, simmered, can be used to treat dandruff or to clear the skin.

It also makes a good digestive tonic, especially for dyspepsia. If you are interested in using willow in your herbal practice, collect the bark in the Spring. Soak three teaspoons in one cup of cold water for five hours; then simmer lightly for twenty minutes. For indigestion, and as a tonic, take one cup per day. For skin eruptions and similar complaints, such as bleeding gums and sore throats, use a stronger solution. You can also use an oil base to make an astringent salve. 


In the Bach Flower Remedies, Willow Flower Essence is used as a remedy for bitterness and resentment; people who are stuck in a position of blaming others (or circumstances) for their problems, who have an experience of being a victim or being treated unfairly by life, would benefit from this essence.

Willow branches are said to be the best for divining water, channelling earth energy and to find lost objects. Shavings of the wood, pieces of bark and whole leaves can be placed in a small bag under your pillow. This same package can be used to assuage feelings of powerlessness, an unreasoned fear of death and panic attacks, and to assist you in nurturing yourself emotionally. It is suggested that Willow be used in the same way when experiencing grief and to aid in this healing process.

Willow teaches us the lesson of life in death. Endings are just beginnings - with new growth comes change. Willow helps us to integrate change into our lives and reminds us to allow inspiration to come in. Go with the flow and all will be well.

Attributes of Those Born Under the Willow Sign

Those born under the sign of the willow are instinctive. You may find you react on gut instinct rather than what your head tells you to do. Watch the rhythm of your moods carefully and pay attention to your dreams. Their symbolism will help you navigate throughout life.

You may find yourself drawn to beauty and love to travel. You are probably very empathic and do well to find anchoring partners and companions.

Animal Correspondences Hawk and Snowy Owl

Keywords Growth, Expression, Dreaming

Your Strengths Intuition and flexibility

Your Rune The Willow Ogham is Saille, associated with divination and intuition. It has a sense of perfect timing and being connected to the flow of life.

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