We have everything crossed that June brings more sun and drier, longer days. Start your summer with free festivals with earfuls of great music, try eco-friendly swapping, jump on your bikes, or pull on a protective suit and stand in the middle of a room full of exploding fireworks!

Berry Good

Cambridge’s most popular free event, the Strawberry Fair, has been filling the town’s Midsummer Common with colour, noise and spectacle for fifty years This Saturday (June 1st), 30,000 people will gather around little stages and wonder-filled tents dotted around the common; choose from Shady Nasty’s subversive and satirical blend of funk, punk, brass and hip hop, visit the Calm Stage, sacred space and herbal apothecary at Scarecrow Corner, or hang out in the family friendly Kids Park. Bands include Zion Train, Radical Dance Faction and Spacehopper. The Fair is committed to taking care of the environment with generator-free zones, recycled decor, no plastic bottles and a free online programme. Sweet!