Green shoots are appearing, snowdrops are peeping and it's time to emerge. February is a time of new growth, of hope and to start to dip a toe in the outside world again says Kate Hodges
Find half-term inspiration; gentle indoor festivals and history experiences. Celebrate Imbolc by searching for tadpoles and making hag stone necklaces. Or head out on a clear, dark night to dance under the stars. Plus lots more...
Find The Light
Imbolc is the most optimistic of pagan holidays; a time to start spotting snowdrops and crocuses, to see the first green shoots, the very earliest of lambs and to search hard for the first signs of spring. Why not take a trip to a pond to search for frogspawn? Don’t forget to any early signs of spring to the Woodland Trusts’ Nature Calendar. Or plant some seeds - mustard and cress can germinate in hours; perfect for those who like things to move swiftly!
Perhaps you could make a hag stone necklace to honour the Cailleach; the divine woman of Celtic traditions, who was believed to gather her firewood at this time of year. Find more ideas to mark Imbolc with children (including some wand-spiration) here.
Find more ideas and joy to get through what can be a bleak month with the wonderful Witches Cookery.