Do you feel inspired to put pen to paper to write about your parenting experiences? Enter our 2024 Writing Competition and you could win £150 worth of prize money

Want to share your passion for natural birth, respectful parenting, green issues, sustainability, travel, alternative lifestyles or home education with the world? We’d love to hear your stories and ideas.

We invite you to submit a work of non-fiction related to our theme of natural parenting by the end of September. 

You can interpret our theme in any way you choose, as long as your article has something to do with raising children consciously and living naturally.

We are looking for writing on pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, education, alternative health, sustainable lifestyles, gardening, eco travel and respectful parenting.


Submissions are free and open to anyone with a story to tell. There will be a £150 prize for the first place winner. The winner of the first prize will get their work published this autumn. Ten runners up will also get published and a hearty byline.


All submissions must be related in some way to our theme of natural parenting.
Please keep articles to between 500 and 2500 words.


Please email your submission to with a subject line: GREEN PARENT WRITING COMPETITION.

Attach your submission to the email as a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) attachment. Please do not submit work in any other format (such as .pages or text within email as we will not be able to include in the competition). Please include your name and contact information on the first page of your article.


Please limit your entry to one article.


September 30th at 11:59pm.


PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED pieces are not eligible for submission.


Winners will be published on Green Parent Media will own exclusive rights to the winning work for one year, but will be flexible about reprinting elsewhere with our (and the writer’s) permission.


The competition will be judged by a team of journalists and writers on The Green Parent magazine.

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