
Welcome to this week’s newsletter from me!

I’m excited ‘cos it’s Pride tomorrow in Brighton. I’m trying to decide what to wear – rainbow or earthy vibe?! Sparkly or deep purples?

According to Siddhi Yoga, purple is the ideal colour to wear on Saturdays – a day ruled by Saturn. It’s a day to assess the lessons learned over the last week. Purple helps to activate our Third Eye chakra and gives greater clarity and insight into what's happened and what it means. So maybe purple vibe?!

Anyway, whoops, I digress... Colour therapy - swoon!

Back to weekend plans... Pride’s a bit corporate now, but the parade is still fun, featuring local charities doing brilliant work. All Sorts for example, supports children and young people who are LGBTQ+ or who are exploring their sexual orientation and/or gender. Mind Out offer affordable counselling for queer people. The Ledward Centre is a safe space for the queer community right in the centre of the city, with a café and lots of events happening over the weekend. And Rainbow Families is a social group helping to connect LGBTQ+ families across Sussex.

I can't wait to go along to Pride with my family and celebrate everyone who's out there courageously raising awareness of LGBTQ+ rights.

Here’s some things I’ve been up to this week:


We went to Spring Gardens Pick Your Own farm with friends this week. I’ve been meaning to get to one all summer because it was such a big part of my childhood. My mum used to take my brother, sister and I (and often as many of our friends as would fit in our Spacewagon) to PYO farms every summer.

I really felt her with us today as we picked (and the kids ate!) raspberries, blackberries, and the last remaining strawberries. We paid for a few cartons but basically came home with a handful of berries! And slightly sore tummies! Just enough to make a slab of this tasty cake - recipe by Sisley White – I halved the recipe to account for diminished fruit stocks! Want some summer fruit goodness? You can find your nearest PYO here.