
I’ve been dancing to skiffle, crafting willow sun catchers and have discovered a new way of eating...

What I've been foraging for:

I’ve been gathering elderflowers to make cordial and medicine. Scroll down for the hayfever recipe I make for my family. I also dry out trays of flowers for a winter cold remedy. Once I’ve separated all the flowers from the stalk I store in a dark jar in a cool, dry place, and then, use a tablespoon of dried flowers steeped in hot water, as a tea, to soothe colds and coughs in the colder months. I’ve been on the lookout for Hottentot Fig (or Ice Plant) after reading about it on Geoff Dann’s blog. It’s a succulent that’s often found near sea cliffs and has fruits that look like dying leaves. These fruit have the texture of figs and taste like salty bananas. Which has got me intrigued! Apparently they make a good chutney. Also reading David Hamilton’s Where the Wild Things Grow and learning just how many of the wild plants that grow round here are edible. I’m recatergorising in a major way. Just found out that fuchsia flowers make a tasty treat and dahlia flowers can be used in a salad!