Unschooling looks, from the outside perhaps, like a laissez-faire, super relaxed, do-nothing-and-see-what-happens type of approach to education says Claire Ashbourne.

Unschooling might appear to be one for the hard-core home educators. It was something I became interested in many years ago. Not because I was keen to do nothing (although, doing less was certainly high on my agenda). But instead ‘unschooling’ became a way of thinking about life and education out of a necessity. Trying to get smaller people to do things they are not interested in was hard and bred disconnection. It broke trust and fed on fear. 

For able and willing parents, unschooling might be the best chance at achieving an education for their children that fosters self-direction, self-growth and interested learned adults as an end product.

What does unschooling really look like then?

Each person will need a blank page for that answer and each person will hopefully fill it in differently. And even more hopefully they will be filling it in alongside the child in question (ideally handing over the pen). It will look like what is needed, daily, hourly, for you and your child to live and learn well together.