
Welcome to this week’s newsletter, sent from a field in Devon!

I’m at Buddhafield Festival with my partner and five-year-old and we’re having so much fun. It’s been so good to sink into festival time and not think about anything except the present moment for a couple of days.

We arrived on Wednesday and have already done so many great workshops – I’ll tell you all about them when I get back, in next week’s newsletter.

Here’s what I’ve been up to this week:

1)    Making Summer Drinks

For a family birthday BBQ last weekend, I wanted to make a tasty, fruity non-alcoholic drink for when everyone arrived. I had a watermelon and a punnet of strawberries so I froze most of the watermelon overnight. I chucked the juice of 4 limes, a watermelon (deseeded and cut into chunks, half frozen) and around 250g strawberries into a blender. I blitzed until smooth and poured this ice-cold, fruity, pink juice into glasses to serve. So delicious!

If you’re looking for inspiration for cooling, refreshing summer drinks, try this carrot lemonade, a sweet, juicy drink that uses up leftover carrots! Or maybe nectarine and Earl Grey iced tea?