
A big, warm welcome to this week’s newsletter.

I’ve been putting the finishing touches to our abundance issue this week. It comes out next month and the central theme is abundance. It's got so many brilliant people inside and it's so good! There’s articles about raising generous kids, how to encourage a growth mindset and ways to encourage a sense of enough-ness for ourselves and our kids.

I’ve loved researching and planning this one – I've chatted to so many inspiring people. Can’t wait for it to be made real! You can pre-order your copy here.

Aside from that, the little one and I have been harvesting elderberries, having fun in the wind with friends and walking in the woods. It’s so windy here right now!


My daughter is home to celebrate her 23rd birthday tomorrow – whoop whoop! It’s always such a treat to see her and I’m proper excited (and also trying to put into practice some of the gold that I learnt from the Gabor Maté course I did recently!).

She’s not a big cake fan, but loves brownies, so I’ll be making the standard batch of Best Ever Chocolate Brownies from BBC Good Food. It's been her cake of choice for years and years.

Another birthday tradition is that she'll get a throne decorated with flowers, ribbons and feathers. The garden's a little bare now we're nearing the end of summer; lots of hemp agrimony and roses for tomorrow! The little one and I have made some gifts alongside her main pressie. Peacock earrings made from fimo, a felted necklace and a canvas, painted by Iris, of her and her sister. It makes me grin every time I look at it!