My experiences with attachment parenting began years before I had either of my children says Gemma Eales

I graduated from my Biological Sciences degree in 2003, with a future husband, open eyes and a new found love of organics. I’d become an avid reader of the Ecologist magazine, and it was here that I first read about sustainable parenting.

Shortly after graduating I got a part-time job for a small family-run mail order business, who specialised in natural and organic baby clothes, nappies and children’s toys. It was during my lunch breaks that I first read Green Parent magazine, and although I was years away from having children, I knew that I’d found the approach to parenting that I would take.

This was further compounded in 2007, whilst watching a Channel 4 documentary series called ‘Bringing up Baby’. The series charted the experiences of families following three very different parenting methods, the authoritarian (and very disconnected) Truby King method from the 1950s, the more moderate Benjamin Spock approach, and the Continuum Concept.