Excited about Christmas but worried about spending? There are loads of ways you can enjoy your celebrations without breaking the bank says Lucy Corkhill

Christmas on a budget doesn’t have to be austere: with a little imagination and creativity it can actually help you focus on what matters to you and your family and let go of mad shopping that you don’t want to do anyway!

Set up a treasure trail – A fun way to prolong the present excitement is to lay a treasure trail around the house with clues that lead to the main present. If you make it a long trail, you could break it up with little treats like chocolates along the route. By the time the kids find their main present, there will have been a wonderfully exciting build-up! If you have more than one child, consider doing several different trails that cross past each other in the house. If you make this a really fun event, it should mean that the focus is on the big present and you can have less little presents.