Anne O'Brien had a naming ceremony for both of her daughters and found herself thinking what a gorgeous job it would be to create these events.

I’ve been a celebrant for about three years now and specialise in naming ceremonies. 

At the heart of every naming ceremony are the commitments that parents make to their children, but beyond these promises, families can choose to incorporate whatever elements feel right for them. Most families include readings, promises from guide parents (the equivalent of godparents) and often some kind of symbolic act, which creates a lovely moment of reflection or fun. Inspiration can be taken from all sorts of cultures and traditions – this summer I’ll be incorporating a Zhuazhou into a ceremony for the first time, which is a Chinese tradition where a baby chooses an object to show what their future career might be! 

What I love most about my job is helping families and friends express their love for each other. I feel incredibly privileged to share in their personal stories and take great care with the way that this is conveyed, in every single script I write. This is especially true when the pathway to parenthood hasn’t been easy. This month I’ll be conducting a ceremony for a little girl that was born unexpectedly and struggled to survive. It will be a unique and memorable day for all of us.