The Pickett family relasied the dream of a lifetime when they took off across the USA in a vintage airstream

Our adventure started deep in the Canyonlands of Utah, then Covid hit and we went back home to Montana to assess the situation. It dawned on us that it was very hard to catch Covid outside, so we took off.

We went from Montana to Wyoming, then to the eastern sea board, down around Florida, up to Tennessee, then back across the country to Idaho, then to the west coast of Oregon. 

We then went back to Montana, and then down to the border of Mexico, and worked our way up through New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. Then back to Montana. We then drove all the way to Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire. Then back to Montana, and finally up the coast of California, and then back home. We were in the Airstream full time for one-and-a-half years. 

We wanted to show our kids a different kind of life, one lived outside, and close to the land. Both my wife and myself had a similar upbringing and we wanted to show our kids the beauty of the land, and create a deeper connection to the outside world.