Dee Sangan lives in Guernsey with her partner Jacques, toddler son and Sid, the toothless rescue cat. Together, the family run Jamblin Flower Farm

"We live on the North coast of Guernsey, a Channel Island off the coast of France. The island is around 24 square miles, our weather is mild but we can really take a battering from the wind! In summer we get to enjoy the beaches, beautiful cliff paths and other islands within our bailiwick and in the winter we pretty much do the same, just with more clothes on!

Our old stone built cottage dates back to the 1800s, and we have been restoring it ourselves. Our friends and family thought we were mad to take it on, but we’ve loved bringing it back to life and learning new skills. It’s taken two years to get habitable, but from the excitement of chipping off plaster and revealing original features, to re-roofing it ourselves, it has been endless fun.