It’s a familiar sight. Carrie and David Grant on screen; affable, articulate and impeccably groomed you’ll know and love them as the vocal coaches on shows such as Pop Idol, and presenters of Popshop, The One Show, and Songs of Praise. Only today they’re not talking vocals or pop music, they’re talking to Kate Hodges about their new book

A Very Modern Family is a blisteringly honest, moving account of life with their four children. All their kids are neurodivergent, three are trans or non-binary, and also gay or queer, their youngest child is adopted, and the family is mixed-race too. The book covers a rainbow of experiences; comings out, dealing with school and other parents, life in a society that’s still prejudiced in many ways, and child-on-parent violence. It’s taboo-busting, brave and moving, and should be on every family’s bookshelf.

Carrie and David are a dynamic force for good. Carrie campaigns for change in healthcare systems and celebration of neuro-diversity in society. She is an anti-bullying ambassador and promotes adoption. She and David run community support groups from their home, including a monthly support group for 150 families and their autistic daughters.