Clair Chaytors shares her story of being a witch and explains how to incorporate wicca into family life. Try these eight activities to be more wicca!

More and more people are turning to the Wiccan path, particularly younger generations. Yet, still many question this way of life and its beliefs. With no visible structure or scriptures to follow, you’d be forgiven for being confused by what it means to lead a Wiccan lifestyle. Additionally, a quick online search yields conflicting information. Factor in it's not so favourable history and the stigma attached to Wicca in general, and it's little wonder people shy away from it, let alone discuss this way of life with their children. But this could mean missing out on one of the gentlest of pathways that you could ever introduce and implement as a family unit.

As a practising Wiccan for over a decade, you’d never know my choice of pathway by just looking at me. A full-time working mother of four, living in a suburban neighbourhood, you’d never guess I own a cauldron, albeit a small one, whisper affirmations under the moonlight, or carry crystals with me for protection. The only way you’d know is if you saw the pentacle I wear around my neck.

With children ranging from nine to 17, it was inevitable my family would start to ask questions about my choices at some point. When embarking on this pathway I didn’t understand the benefits it would have on my family life. All my children have been raised with the philosophy that they will find their true path when the time is right. Until then, they are free to explore all beliefs, pathways, and indeed, religions. Naturally, they too have taken an interest in Wicca.