Happy Friday!
I’m dashing in with this newsletter at the last moment - 'scuse any mistakes. I’ve had such a fun and busy week. Today was the start of a new home ed gathering – more on that in a bit.
Home-ed wise we’ve hung out with friends, taken multiple trips to the library, been swimming, cycling and trampolining and I’ve discovered a really simple, fun way to create project-based learning schedules based on Iris’ favourite books. Read on for more.
Oh, and I wanted to give a plug for my nephew’s book, which he made with his friends, as part of Elder Bees home education group. I’ve ordered my copy of Bob the Circus Cat – Iris and I are so excited to read it! It’s about a cat who discovers that no matter how far from home he is, he’s never alone with friends by his side.
Sales of the book raise money for The Flying Seagull Project, a charity that brings joy, laughter, and creative play to disadvantaged and vulnerable children around the world. Through clowning, music, circus performances, and play workshops, they help uplift children in refugee camps, hospitals, orphanages, and marginalised communities.
Click on the link above (name of the book) to order a copy!
Here’s What We’ve Been Up to This Week
Discovering a New Book
I found this book in the library this week called The Little Book of Parenting by Chinyelu Kunz. It’s a lovely, heartfelt guide to raising happy, resilient children from preschool to adulthood. Chinyelu is a parenting coach with over 28 years of experience in education. She has three grown-up kids who all went through the Waldorf system. Born and raised in Enugu, Nigeria, she moved to the United States as a young adult and is the founder of We Nurture Collective.
In this book Chinyelu emphasises the importance of parents' emotional well-being as a foundation for nurturing their children's development. There’s sections on self-regulation, establishing clear and loving boundaries, and creating solid routines within the family. It’s a great little book to have on your shelves for reassurance and support.