Plant medicine helps me be a better mother explains Hannah Thomas

Since going from one child to two, I’ve felt almost-perpetually overwhelmed. Meeting the needs of two littles ones, plus trying to care for myself and my home, has seemed like an impossible task. A few months ago, I discovered ceremonial cacao - and in Mama Cacao’s heart-opening medicine I have found a beautiful ally in my mothering journey.

Discovering my spiritual toolkit

Since working with a spiritual mentor during my second pregnancy, and learning how to support my holistic health - mind, body and spirit - I have been joyfully uncovering the spiritual, divinely and earthly-connected woman I’ve always been inside. Since childhood I felt very drawn to ‘hippy’ things; magic and witchcraft, but without any wise women or spiritual people in my life, I was never given the ‘vocabulary’ with which to describe (or trust) my experience and my intuition - or to learn the tools to practice a more spiritual and connected life.

As a very sensitive child, who felt so much and didn’t get the guidance and support I needed, I have struggled with depression, anxiety, chronic people-pleasing and serious self-destructive behaviours all my life.

So, finally discovering ways I can feel connected to the Universe and supported by divine energy - such as crystal healing, divination, and reiki energy healing - and ways to feel connected to Mother Earth such as herbalism, grounding, and plant medicine - have truly changed my life.

My inner child feels gloriously happy that she now knows ‘how’ to be the person she’s always been. When I meet her in meditations, I have given her rainbow tie dye hippy clothes, her own set of oracle cards, crystals and magical herbs, and told her about how to use them to feel safe and connected. I’m being the grown up to her now that I wish I’d had when I was little.

I felt called to ceremonial cacao for a while, but was unsure how to start, where to buy it, and how to ‘do it right’. But I happened to run into a lady at a local wellbeing fair who runs cacao ceremonies, and it felt divinely-guided. I bought a block of cacao and set an intention to welcome in the motherly, loving energy of Mama Cacao into my days with my daughters - but I wasn’t expecting it to be so profound.