It's wet, dark and there are soggy leaves on the ground. Autumn is here. We're relishing the faint smell of spices in the air and damp earth underfoot, but still holding out for a few last days of sun. Here are some ideas to make the most of this magical time of year.

Splish Splash

It’s been a pretty wet year. We’re attempting to put aside broader worries about the reasons behind the ongoing deluge and trying to embrace it. Did you know that scientists have discovered that walking in the rain can improve your mental health (spoiler alert: the negatively charged ions a downpour produces relieve stress and boost energy levels). 

So dress appropriately, and get out and have fun. You might:
use junk to create a water wall for your little ones. Or make tin foil rainy day rubbings, try rain painting with watercolour crayons, markers and food colouring, spot snails, slugs and raindrops on plants or simply get into your swimming costumes and embrace the soggy!

Why not, make mud angels, jump in puddles and roll on the wet grass. Make sure there’s plenty of hot water for baths afterwards.