Always an exciting and inspiring time in nature, Spring gifts us the expansive energy we need to make change happen…

Here are five ways in which you can harness early spring energy to change your life.

1. Stoke your inner fires
The days are getting longer and the sun is getting warmer. Use the warmth and light to fuel your passions. What brings you joy? What dreams did you cultivate during the dark days of winter? It’s time to bring them into the light!
What to read: How to Create the Life You Want The Companion Journal to Power, Passion and Purpose by Ann Nichols Roulac

2. Open up
All around us, flowers are opening up to the warmer days. Think of yourself as a crocus or daffodil unfurling and open your heart to this new chapter in the cycles of nature. The Winter is a time for folding inward; for introspection. Now we naturally find ourselves opening out, expanding, and sensing a need to connect to others. Get outside when the sun’s out and let your shoulders drop down and back so your chest is open. 
What to Read: The Art of Everyday Ecstasy The Seven Tantric Keys for Bringing Passion, Spirit and Joy into Every Part of Your Life by Margot Anand

3. Dream big
From little acorns grow mighty oaks. We can see the beginnings of new life that have lain dormant during the dark days of winter. Your dream, goal or vision is a little acorn that has the potential to grow as mighty as an oak. Feed it with positivity, nourish it with the company of like-minded folk, and water it with an abundance of enthusiasm and watch it grow before your very eyes!
What to read: Jack Canfield’s Key to Living the Law of Attraction: A Simple Guide to Creating the Life of Your Dreams

4. Plant a seed of change within
The cycles of nature are always moving and changing. In Winter we can tend towards stagnation and stillness, but Spring reminds us to start to move again. Witness the changes happening in the world around you, and begin to make changes in your own life. Let go of old patterns that no longer serve you, and welcome in a fresh start. It might help to plant an actual seed at the same time, so you can grow and change alongside this physical reminder of your intention.
What to read: May Cause Miracles: A 6-Week Kick-Start to Unlimited Happiness Gabrielle Bernstein 

5. Cleanse
This time of year is synonymous with cleansing and purification, and many people choose to undertake a physical cleanse now because the energies of the earth are in tune with it. Use it as a time to give your home, mind and body a good spring clean. Get outside for some brisk walks that get the lymph and blood pumping, and use that fresh spring air to shift any stagnate energy in the body with deep, cleansing breaths.
What to read: Detox Yourself: Feel the Difference in 7 Days by Jane Scrivner

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