Sacred Sunday: Cacao Helps me be a Better Mother
Plant medicine has helped me be a more present mother, to slow down, and to be more compassionate with myself
Some of our favourite healthy eats and treats that are super easy to whip up at home!
Plant medicine has helped me be a more present mother, to slow down, and to be more compassionate with myself
Planning our festive feast, singing tree songs, making lanterns and listening to old folktales
Playing board games, learning tree songs, making healing soup and the benefits of warmth on our whole being
What food is available in woods and hedgerows now and how to prepare them, including a recipe for dandelion and burdock cordial
Don't throw away your carvings. Make your own delicious vegan pumpkin lattes, pumpkin hummus or even ice-cream!
I've been crying in the cinema, making soup, reading books about pilgrimage and getting in a fix about clutter