Karen Kay is the founder of 3 Wishes Fairy Festival and she says she was encouraged by the fae folk. We caught up with her to find out more about this year's magical offering

The fairies inspired me to set up the festival back in 2006, and the first gathering took place in 2007, it feels like a life-time ago! It’s no secret I talk to fairies, or rather I whisper to them and vice versa. So I really can’t take total credit for the idea. One day, I heard a voice (that was not my own), and it said, “You must organise a fairy festival at the time of midsummer in Cornwall”, it was a very bossy voice! I know what you're thinking!

However, I know it was not my own voice! I'm accustomed to the sound of my internal dialogue and I can say, it was not my voice. I took a few moments to consider what I had heard, and decided, “why not”, and the rest, as they say, is fairy history, or her-story!

I also knew I needed to come up with a name, as I had a strong feeling it would become popular, so I needed a name that would set it aside from any other similar events. Although as that time there were no outdoor fairy festivals with live music stages, and camping in the UK.

So, one day whilst I was hanging out my laundry in my garden, I saw a dandelion seed head on my lawn (I use the term ‘lawn” loosely as I rarely cut the grass, instead I prefer to leave it wild for the wildlife and fairies). Anyway, I notice a solitary ‘wish’ from the dandelion seed-head float past. “Nothing unusual about that" I thought, even though there was no breeze. Then another one floated past, and then a third one! “3 wishes” I exclaimed! That shall be the name of my festival, and so 3 Wishes Fairy festival was born. 

The festival is now moving to Glastonbury with a new date in August (16-18), and yes, this has been approved by the fairies! They guided me to the new site in Godney at Garslade Farm. The festival is fully plant-based too, as I wish to show the visitors how tasty vegan food can be, in a non-preachy way.

What do you love most about your job?

I love the freedom to follow my intuition in my work, rest and play. Running a festival is not for the faint hearted as it takes a lot of behind-the-scenes work to create the space where everyone can come together to celebrate the fairies.

Sometimes I have to pinch myself when I think about the work I do, as I am also a writer, and have written several oracle decks and have my debut book coming out later this year, called ‘Fairy Whispering’, 111 Magical Practices to Connect with the Fairies. I’m so excited about this as I always knew I would write a book about fairies, and now my book dream is coming true. 

Being fluid in my working choices really appeals to me and I flow through the days, tending to the most important things on the top of my eternal to-do list! There’s always something to do, but I honestly love it, so rarely complain, as I run a few small businesses, including the festival, fairy balls and fairies, writing, including founding my own fairy lifestyle magazine, called FAE (Faeries and Enchantment).

My life really does revolve around fairies! Running a festival is not always easy, but I love it!

What do you have in store for festival-goers in 2024?

This year, we have more than 100 workshops, talks and activities for adults and young people, all included in the ticket price, we have a mermaid lagoon with real mermaids! Live music with local grass-roots performers and some traveling from overseas.

The festival is fully family friendly, with something for all ages. So parents and guardians can watch a band whilst their children are partaking in an activity within view. You’ll find bubble fairies wandering the site, fairy circus shows, cacao ceremonies, and a fairy market, selling everything from flower crowns and crystals to clothing and self-care lotions and potions. I always say, imagine you are stepping into a real-life fairy land, and that’s kind of what you’ll experience.

People often say they don’t want to leave at the end as they feel so happy and uplifted. I’m also proud as the festival has been nominated for and has won several awards over the years, including the prestigious Grass Roots Award from the UK Festival Awards, voted for by our visitors. 


To find out more visit the website fairyfestival.co.uk and @3wishesfairyfestival.

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