Hello and a sunny, warm welcome to this week’s newsletter.

The clocks go forward tomorrow night, so we get a whole extra hour of light in the evening – feels like it’s going to make a big difference.

We've been walking for charity, playing in the woods, painting, making pottery and learning about teeth and how our eyes work.

Workwise, we've been loving your feedback on our Creativity issue, out last week. Find out more here.

Here’s What We’ve Been up to This Week

Watching Unschooling Talks

The Unschooling Summit, which took place last weekend, but is still available online (to purchase) was co-organised by Esther Jones and Melissa Crockett-Joyoue, and was a brilliant, three-day virtual event. My sister and I took some time out from family life to watch a few of the videos and talk through what we’d learnt. It was such a good way to absorb more information and get a deeper understanding.

I came away with a notebook full of ideas. Each talk delved into self-directed education and unschooling practices. Some of my favourites were Melissa Crockett-Joyoue talking about neurodiversity in unschooling, Erich Leidums on the importance of risky play, Pam Laricchia talking about building a strong relationship based on trust and respect with your child, Chemay Morales-James on cultivating community and Iris Chen on decolonising education, and self-directed learning.

Esther is a UK-based mindfulness teacher and deschooling coach who specializes in assisting parents and their neurodivergent children to thrive beyond traditional schooling systems. She hosts the bi-weekly podcast, The Unschool Space, well worth a listen!